First of all, I'd just like to thank those of you who read my blog and have left feedback through way of comment or e-mail. Again I'll mention what a crazy last couple of weeks it has been and your encouragement has really provided me with renewal and hope. Moving on...
I've learned more from watching my son grow than from anything I've soaked up in school or anywhere else. As he reaches that final stretch in his attempts to walk, he isn't able to do so not because he is incapable, but rather because he is afraid - somewhat ironic for the one who so thoroughly enjoys reeking havoc otherwise. The Lord has offered me a very visible comparison in my life, as what stands between me and Him is not a mountain and a valley like it used to be but instead a tiny creek whose waters I'm trying to command the flow of. I know how much would change for Paxton if he just took that first step, and I wonder what would happen in my life if I finally just gave it all up. I've been fighting and resisting a lot over this past week and I thought it was just an expression of how homesick I am, but after about two hours of tears on Friday, I heard my Savior saying "Come home," and I knew he didn't mean to Dallas.
Then at church last night, after a few consecutive weeks of bad news, I felt the Lord delivering such sweet promises of joy and restoration. We had share time, and there were a slew of positive prophetic words that mostly revolved around Him welcoming us to partake in the message of how He pursues us so relentlessly. A very tangible atmosphere of hope was present as He beckoned to us near to remind that He is the Anointer and He takes delight in His children. I think that we do the dance a lot where we pretend to grasp that He loves us and cherishes us and so on but do we really TRULY understand that he desperately wants us? In the secret places of my heart, I know that there are unruly places that I have deemed so unlovable and undesirable that I conceal them from others with all that I have. There are things that I have done that seem impossible to compensate for. But He loves the most grotesque corners of our beings. And the great thing is, he doesn't ask us to be anything that we aren't. He wants us even in our most vulnerable and broken states...He wants especially then.
So finally, I pray that this season brings dancing and laughter and joy. As I was reminded last night by one particularly wise fellow, He doesn't ask us to take ourselves nearly as seriously as society says that we ought. God did create humor, after all. So when you find yourself in a spot where you're critiquing every aspect of every minute detail, ask yourself if this drive towards perfectionism is really what was intended of you. I know that this has been a struggle of mine that I often fail to recognize because we've all been programmed to strive for success so much so that we don't realize the corrosiveness that coincides with humans attempting to be in control of our own behavior. So let it go and lighten up, I promise you won't be sorry.
In Him there is rest,
Love this.